We all know that usability testing is critical, but with COVID, we can't do it like we used to. Join LSNTAP, MAP, and GAP for an in-depth look at how to take your usability testing skills to the next level - virtual! In this 90-minute workshop, you'll get a quick brush-up on usability testing and then we'll focus on how to get the best results using online tools to connect with end-users remotely. We'll also hear from four community members about their experiences doing remote usability training.
Resources Appendix
Accessibility resources
Accessibility should not be an afterthought, but something that you take into account as you do research, create designs, and implement your solutions. Depending on the tools you use, there may be accessibility guidelines built in. Below are additional resources to review!
Accessibility resources for research
Remember that how you set up your research and prototypes has an effect on who is able to participate.
In 2019, the Michigan Advocacy Program (MAP) received a Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) from the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) to bring UX design and usability testing training to the justice community. After having struggled with these topics in the early days of Michigan Legal Help, and then learning how important they are, MAP wanted to help others in the community understand the basics of UX design and learn how easy usability testing can be.
While website usability testing is conducted for many reasons, primarily, it ensures that people can use your site. If they can't, they will find solutions elsewhere.
Usability testing can also help determine:
The length of time a to complete a task compared with established benchmarks
User satisfaction
If users can navigate your website
Potential problems with website functionalit
Deciding if a design works
If your website is accomplishing your organization’s goals.
Below are the worksheets used at the 2015 TIG Conference Session on Collaborative Game Design. The worksheets were developed parallel to Dr. Casper Harteveld's Triadic Game Design (TGD) book to educate about TGD a model which incorprates reality, meaning, and play in game design. New Haven Legal Assistance partnered with NuLawLab and Dr. Harteveld to create a game which could better prepare self-represented litigants for their day in court.
Assessment Test
Scenario: You chose a design for your website and you've just implemented your first prototype, you want to know if it's working as planned.
What/Why: These tests are done early on or midway through your design after your early concepts are implemented. The assessment test helps you evaluate the effectiveness of your website. You may want to do several rounds as you make changes.
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