RFP: NLSP Grants Management Process Analysis
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to request bids to conduct a Business Process Analysis (BPA) of NLSP’s Grants Management Processes. “Grants Management Process” includes all tasks related to the lifecycle of a grant at Neighborhood Legal Services Program of the District of Columbia (NLSP), such as identifying and applying for grants, tracking grant spending, monitoring performance, reporting on active grants, and closing out completed grants.
The objective of the proposed BPA is to understand how NLSP can best leverage technology throughout the grants management lifecycle to increase organizational efficiency and help NLSP effectively fulfill grant obligations.
Our goal is to identify ways that NLSP can employ technology to automate and streamline processes related to its grants management practices; integrate technology to create a clear workflow of all aspects of grant management to increase employee accountability, collaboration, and efficiency; and establish a plan to improve the grants management workflow that prioritizes clear delegation of responsibilities and efficient communication methods.
Proposals shall be emailed to Cecilia Barber, Project Manager, at cbarber@nlsp.org and will be accepted until Monday, March 3, 2025, at 5 PM EST. Any questions prior to submission of the proposal should be emailed to cbarber@nlsp.org. See attached PDF for full details.