RFP: LASMNY Needs Assessment

The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. (LASMNY) is a Legal Services Corporation (LSC)- funded, not-for-profit organization headquartered in Utica, New York. We serve thirteen counties in central New York with six offices and a telephone HelpLine. We also operate a statewide program serving agricultural workers and their families. We seek proposals from qualified consultants to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the legal needs and service gaps for both our general client population and the uniquely vulnerable agricultural worker community.

The findings of this needs assessment will guide LASMNY’s strategic planning efforts, shape resource allocation, and inform service delivery.

LASMNY seeks a needs assessment to:
1. Identify the most pressing legal needs of low-income individuals in LASMNY’s service area.
2. Understand the unique challenges of New York State agricultural workers and their families.
3. Determine whether language, technology, or other barriers limit access to LASMNY’s services.
4. Evaluate service duplication and consolidation possibilities.
5. Evaluate gaps in current service delivery and opportunities for pro bono expansion.
6. Identify opportunities to educate organizations and community groups about LASMNY’s services.
7. Provide feedback from stakeholders about LASMNY’s proposed strategic plan, which is under development now.
8. Provide actionable recommendations for addressing unmet legal needs and improving access to justice in LASMNY’s service area.

Submit proposals electronically to Christina Reilly at christina.reilly@lasmny.org by 5:00 p.m. EST on March 7, 2025. Include “LASMNY Needs Assessment Proposal” in the subject line. See attached PDF for full details.

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