RFP: LASCO SharePoint Business Process Improvement Analysis
Legal Aid of Southeast and Central Ohio (LASCO) seeks to build upon the work it has already done to create a document management storage system that is organized, searchable and uniform across offices and substantive teams. It want their SharePoint to make it easier for its staff to share information to more effectively and efficiently serve their clients. To help transform its SharePoint into a fully optimized and useful source for document management storage and sharing of information, LASCO seeks a consultant to conduct a business process improvement analysis. The analysis will evaluate the document storage needs of at least one of its substantive teams and at least one rural office to do a deep dive into the types of information being stored as well as the information needs of that team and office. LASCO envisions this requiring the review of existing sources of data as well as interviews with multiple people from each team and office.
Responses due February 20, 2025 by 5 PM EST. Proposals should be sent electronically with the subject line “Proposal for SharePoint Business Process Improvement Analysis” to jshier@lasco.org. See attached PDF for full details.