RFP: Legal Aid of Nebraska Intake BPA
Legal Aid of Nebraska will be conducting a business process analysis of our intake system and associated technologies. The purpose of this evaluation is to conduct a business process analysis of our intake system and associated technologies. The objective is to improve efficiency, streamline processes, and enhance client service. Our goal is to create an accessible, uniform, and efficient intake system that reduces bottlenecks, improves equity in client experience, and increases access to justice across the state. The evaluation should assess our current intake workflows and technologies used across our multiple portals including: telephone hotline, online intake, local office or project-based intakes, partner referrals, and intake at off-site outreach and for off-site clinics. The final deliverable will include an analysis of the existing intake system, a process map, an environmental scan, a gap analysis, a recommended process redesign, and implementation roadmap. This evaluation will serve as the foundation for streamlining our processes and improving service delivery.
Responses due February 3, 2025. Contact Laurie Heer Dale at lheerdale@legalaidofnebraska.org with the subject line "Legal Aid BPA Proposal". See attached PDF for full details.