Access to Justice Author Version 5.0!
I am very excited to announce the launch of A2J Author’s new revamped website and software! Access to Justice (A2J) Author is a cloud based software tool which enables legal aid advocates to deliver greater access to justice for self-represented litigants. A2J Author 5.0 rolled out on August 1st and is The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction’s (CALI) and The Center for Access to Justice and Technology at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law’s (CAJT) latest version of software which implements user friendly web-based interfaces for document assembly. For those of you who aren’t familiar, A2J Author has been referred to by John Mayer, Executive Director CALI as Legal Zoom for the poor.
The new site is designed to run in modern browsers and doesn’t require users to download additional software. This has the advantage of allowing for quicker bug fixes and enhancements, and an all around better user experience. Additioanlly the update allows A2J Author to work with modern web browser standards, which makes the site easier to find and more accessible. will direct to the new website and the new system. The old website will still be available for at least a year at
For more information about all the new features and updates see John Mayers announcment regarding the roll out.
Here is the video from A2J's roll out webinar for A2J Author 5.0!