50 Tech Tips Video & Tip List
50 practical technology tips for working remotely crowd sourced from the LSNTAP email list and community. This is a special working from home edition of one of our most popular webinars.
In this webinar you'll learn about:
• Online Free and Low cost web apps for legal work
• Who is offering free Versions of the best tools during this crisis
• Ways to collaborate better online
There will be a takeaway list of all tips with links available also
LSNTAP Email List: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqlhH3el3SCOyl6X-Y-eiUSYLvOsX…
Search for “X Product / service” + Covid
PandaDoc Free Covid
Jitsi - private and secure video conferencing - meet.jit.si or jitsi.org
Jitsi self Install
Zoom Security Toolbar -
Discord text chat, and audio chat, free noise suppression https://discordapp.com/ 4-10-2020
Marco Polo - Video messages https://www.marcopolo.me/ Apple and Android
Loom Free Screen Recording Chrome Extension, very easy to use. Loom.com
Open Broadcast Studio OBS - Free Streaming software for any platform https://obsproject.com/
How to stream to facebook live https://brightspark-consulting.com/facebook-live-via-obs/
Slack collaborative work space https://slack.com/
Box https://www.box.com/resources/downloads Secure file sharing with lots of integrations
Microsoft Teams, all in one internal collaborations, chat, video and much more https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
KanbanFlow -Free agile project management software very easy to use and track tasks.https://kanbanflow.com/board/6XWeSw
Monday - Robust project management with lots of steps and easy to use https://monday.com/
Leaning online
Tech Soups Courses - Free nonprofit track that includes Teams how to
Pluralsight - high quality online training courses Free in April
Tech & Learning - classic blog focusing on technology and learning tools. Lots of helpful tips, quick reads with practical takeaways. Techlearning.com
Article on avoiding pain at home techlearning.com/how-to/how-to-teach-from-home-pain-free
Meetup online - Use MEetup to create and promote online learning events
Home Office
Adjustable height
Back Support
Arm support
Noise Cancelling Headphones
$70 to $300
Shredder @Home 10 sheets plus
Docking station
Video / Second or better monitor
Ethernet port optional
Extra USB
Phone Book -Foot rest
Work Only profile -
Ring Doorbell - get your door bell on your phone with video, save time not having to answer the door for deliveries. https://ring.com/
1Password- Indefinite trails great password management and sharing,https://1password.com
SignRequest signrequest.com Simplefast signatures 10 free per month https://signrequest.com/#/
Ring Central All in one phones, video, team messaging with e-fax built in https://www.ringcentral.com/home_u.html
Free Covid NPO https://www.ringcentral.com/lp/covid19-offer.html
RedFax - Faxes to and from email starting at $5 a month, stand alone lower cost solution https://www.redfax.com/landing-2/
Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport Book and how to deal with our digital lives, calnewport.com/books/digital-minimalism/
Attention Merchants by Tim Wu, law economics and a little phycology on the new digital addictions including cell phones and social media http://www.timwu.org/AttentionMerchants.html
Daywise - Notification control for your phone - https://getdaywise.com/
It Support
Connectwise - Remotely control uen users computer for IT
Splashtop - Remote PC Access From Tablet, Smartphone & Computer. Very price competitive https://www.splashtop.com/
Microsoft Learn free classes for IT intro and IT Support https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/
MicrosoftDirect Access - Unified Remote Access, is a VPN-like technology, that provides intranet connectivity to client computers when they are connected to the Internet https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/remote/remote-access/di…
Signal - Free secure private messaging including video calls and disappearing messages.
Antivirus is a must! Sophos Home Free Reliable, https://home.sophos.com/en-us.aspx
Carbonite - Reasonable costed, reliable backup. https://www.carbonite.com/
G Cloud - 10 GB free of storage for your phone https://gcloud.zoolz.com/Account/Login
Lock away a physical copy of your one time password
LastPass - one time passwords https://support.logmeininc.com/lastpass/help/use-temporary-one-time-pas…
Get the Word Out
Transcend Legal Icons - free legal icons - https://transcend.net/legal-icons.html
YouTube - Create a Channel! Sample channel
Northwest Justice project
YouTube Creators Academy Quick Start Guide https://creatoracademy.youtube.com/page/course/bootcamp-foundations?hl=…
Unsplash Beautiful Free Photos - https://unsplash.com/
Philips LiveSpeech.com