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Traditionally, journals have been read-only. Publishers would print out their volumes and ship them to their subscribers. Sharing was done in person, if at all, and there was little engagement. Now, however, there is a shift to reading nearly everything on the web. Journals, to stay alive and competitive, have needed to embrace modern trends.
Samantha Sanchez - Techbridge
Bryan Babcock - Volunteer Legal Services Project
Rick Rose - Techbridge
Technology is accessible when designed to understand the needs of individuals with impaired abilities, and developed to create universal compatibility between users and computer systems. Assistive Technology is often the merger between people seeking to operate software, and programmers, who are developing the services being offered to the public.
Merge from Outlook – Labels or Envelopes
1. Select the contacts you wish to merge.
Tip! To select many contacts at the same time:
If the names are next to one another on the list:
Click on the first name and Shift + click the last.
If the names are not next to one another on the list:
Click on the first name and Ctrl + click each subsequent name.
Ctrl + click also deselects names.
2. Select Home, Mail Merge on the menu bar.
Well, summer is ending, and so is this fellowship.
In this webinar we explore some of the recurring features that are found throughout the Office suite. This is an entry level training and is open to all legal aid professionals.
Presenter: Sandy Rylander - Rylander Consulting
Electric Citizen partnered with the Minnesota Legal Services Coalition to redesign the statewide legal services website, The new site is set to launched in January 2019 . The platform serves a statewide network of legal service providers, while providing powerful new online tools to serve low-income Minnesotans in need of legal aid.
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From a designated email inbox to complex ticketing systems, legal aid providers have a number of different approaches to how they manage their IT help desks. A well-run help desk resolves issues quickly and has procedures in place for escalation that limit the impact on the users' workflows. Having a system that allows for easily archiving and searching tickets allows IT staff to monitor recurring issues for technology planning and training purposes.
Email communication was never conceived to be the center of our digital lives, hence it wasn't created with security in mind. Today it is an essential part of business communication. Everyday sensitive and confidential information traverses the Internet and other unsecured networks where it may be intercepted or read. Microsoft Office 365 service has been improved by providing multiple methods to encrypt your email, including OME (Office Message Encryption), S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail), IRM (Information Rights Management) and TLS (Transport Layer Security).
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